Weeds: I spent sometime in the garden today. I hadn't done much weeding this year because it's been so damp and dreary. Then suddenly I realized that the weeds weren't waiting for a sunny day to grow so I'd better not wait for one to yank them out! I got my large back bed done, one half of my front beds done...and then fatigue hit. I'm hoping for decent weather tomorrow so that I can finish up the second front bed and the "little" beds around the yard.
Wishing: I'm still hoping for success in the veggie garden this year. But because I tend to have clay and more weeds than actual weed pulling energy I've decided to give Square Foot Gardening a try. The website was intriguing enough to get hubby to make the squares for me but I decided that before starting I really needed to get the book. I've just started reading it and I'm very hopeful that this will help me start a "manageable" size garden. I'll keep you posted.
Wood: I'm still making screen doors. And have several orders for more. It's keeping me busy but I'm really enjoying the learning process. I've found a great woodworkers site: Lumberjocks and this has been a wonderful place to get advice when things go wrong! I've had fun posting all my trials and tribulations there. Here's a look at my last two doors.