Monday, June 16, 2008

Crazy. Wild. Wacky! What else can you say about the weather when your daughter has her June birthday off from school because they've used the last "snow day"? While we didn't actually have snow we did have a State of Emergency in my town due to wild weather. We lost our power and didn't regain it for days. But finally life has begun to resume it's "normalcy". Yeah, right, my life isn't ever normal!

And neither are my gardens! I've gone from lush Iris beauty to well...less than lovely. It's that odd time of the season when spring blooms are over and summer blooms need another week or so. But still I can find beauty, peace and tranquility (and weeds) in any garden!
Like this last of my Iris beauties to bloom.
I was surprised by this lemon yellow Iris when it bloomed amongst it's already spent purple counterparts. I find that my gardens go through color changes throughout the year. You might think I planned for Early Spring to be yellow (daffodils, narcissus, and such)...Late Spring to be purples and blues (Bearded Iris, Siberian Iris, etc)...Summer tends to be more fiery with pinks and oranges (daylilies my one true love) and...Fall with it's deep dark solomn reds, oranges, and browns...But you'd be wrong. I simply toss everything in together and then marvel that I haven't made a mockery of the gardening experience. Yet, I've never been truly unsatisfied with any of my gardens.

Such is the case with my Compost Garden. Every plant in this new garden (planted fall of '07) was saved from a Gardening Friend's Compost Pile. I really had no idea of what I was "saving" I just grabbed anything that I could and shoved them in the ground. I am pleased to recognize many of my favorite plants (Siberian Iris, Daisies, and Daylilies) and even more excited about the plants I've never had before including Virginia Bluebells. I love the entire garden but I'm not loving the weeds creeping up over my rock border as they launch yet another attack on my garden bed.

However, this isn't the only gift from a Gardening Friend that is currently giving me delight.

Thanks Apple for this bit of fire in my "Adirondack Fire Garden".

And another "Thank You" to Marci for the gift of Sundrops making today Sunny!


Robin's Nesting Place said...

Your rescue plants look very happy in their new home.

garden girl said...

Great post. Love all your pass along plants.

It sounds like you may make a lot of intuitive plant combinations, and garden more with your right brain than with your left. From what I've seen, it's working well. Your gardens are lovely.

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Muum said...

Oh, I just found you thru blotanical - I have been loving my 'new' iris this spring, too - planted a lot last fall , still trying to figure out which one is which. Enjoyed seeing your treasures!

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

I'm happy the blanket flower bloomed early for you.

This mornings storms should be making it into your area about now. I hope you don't have any more damage.

Missed you at the last meeting and hope every thing's OK.

Unknown said...

Despite the storm damage, I am totally jealous of your beautiful Iris! Ours are starting to get a little hot in California. Thanks for the cool updates. I look forward to seeing more.

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

Just stopping by to wish you and yours a Happy 4th of July! I know you are busy with the fair. Congratulations on your 1st Place Ribbon!

Rick Rosenshein said...

Great blog, photos and articles. Very informative. Thank you for sharing and keep up the great work. Rick

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