Monday, March 10, 2008

Bright Ideas for Spring: Annuals!

While we are all in different stages of Spring (some of us have feet of snow and some of us have lovely daffodils) there are still Spring chores that can and should be done NOW. I hear you "Snow" people groaning...Yes, even you have chores to do.

  • Sow hardy annuals in place or in peat pellets/trays indoors. If your lucky enough to have a green garden already... look between your perrenials as a chance to sow some "annual color". If you're unlucky enough to still have snow buy a new annual. Choose an annual that you have never tried before. Feeling outrageous? Choose a color that you have always wanted to try. Build a color scheme for your containers that has never been done before (at least not in your garden).

  • Begin to transfer your large seedlings to they're permanent home. Just remember to watch the forecast closely if your planning to put these seedlings outdoors. One frosty morning can do a lot of damage to these wee little ones. Northern Gardeners: Are your garden containers sitting in the garage or basement waiting impatiently (like you) for spring? Transfer seeds now and move them outdoors when the weather finally co-operates. In the meantime, place the containers around your home indoors. I've found that if I place containers near a lamp with a compact fluorescent bulb (the ones we're all using for energy efficiency anyways) the plants don't need as much "window" time. Just keep your lamp very close to your container and most importantly: Keep it turned ON!

  • Be prepared for frost! You may be past your frost free date or you maybe crossing your fingers and hoping. The best plan includes being prepared. Have garden blankets on hand to cover seedlings when a frost is in the forecast. While the neighbors may think you're crazy now you'll see the benefits later! Northern Gardeners: Remember that indoors your containers need more water because they can lose moisture to your "dry" house. So give your containers and seedlings plenty to drink.

  • Plant a Gift. Okay, so you're garden is done. It's perfect and you don't want to add or try anything but it's winter and you NEED to do some gardening. Why not start a few small containers to give away as gifts at upcoming bridal showers, baby showers, or birthdays. Never know what to give the boss? Aha! Now, you have a gift idea that is both inexpensive, memoriable, and meaningful.


Giddy said...

Right now any color other than white would suit me fine! I'm so tired of the snow and can't wait til spring.

Thanks for visiting my blog and I'll be visiting back here often.

Frances, said...

Thanks for a little pep talk to get us going! But who has a 'done' garden? ;->

Frances at Faire Garden

Unknown said...

Giddy~Glad to see you back! And I'm with you...who knew white was so depressing!

Frances~Just call me Coach! LOL. I don't know a single "done" garden myself but somewhere in the world there might be one, maybe even two. But I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes a garden can be 'done for now'. That way you can have the satisfaction of saying it is done even when you know it never will be.

Growing Cosmic Orange cosmos under a skylight for some bright orange.